PT Bhakti Investama Tbk (BHIT) in the near future is rumored to be realizing the acquisition of mining rights (KP) coal in Kalimantan.”The company will shortly announce it to the public,” the source said VIVAnews here on Thursday evening, September 2, 2010. Bhakti Investama Corporate Secretary, Robert Satrya, when asked for confirmation said, when the …
Daily Archive: April 19, 2011
Caterpillars attacks citizens
Caterpillar pests since two weeks ago, which still occurs in mango plantation area in Probolinggo – East Java, is due to anomalous weather or the uncertain weather conditions in recent years.Probolinggo pest caterpillars such, has now expanded. Based on media monitoring, pest caterpillars have spread to Pasuruan, in District Nguling. While also have started to …